5 Practices for
Cycle Breakers

In all families, there is usually at least one cycle breaker.

Are you the cycle breaker of your family?

The cycle breaker is the one who awakens and commits to breaking cycles of inherited family trauma, dysfunction, or chaos.

Chances are if you're reading this, in your family system, the cycle breaker is you.

As a cycle breaker, here are the TOP 5 Practices
that have supported me in breaking free and transforming my life from the inside out.

1. Spiritual Guidance- being the cycle breaker/ whistleblower/ outlier of the family system means choosing the path of self-discovery. Sometimes, this journey can feel confusing and overwhelming. Finding Divine Guidance is essential. As it will support, alleviate, and guide you along the way. Divine Guidance is the connection of a higher power or spiritual force within you. It is a powerful connection that can help you make decisions, and feel safe, supported, and unconditionally loved as you remember and reclaim your true essence. This is your reminder to reconnect and lean in without a doubt to your Divine Guidance. I don't know what I would do without my beloved spiritual guide Divine Mother; all I know is that I am beyond grateful for having her in my life. If you want to meet Divine Mother, click here.

2. Inner Child Work- this is the foundational work required to be at service as a cycle breaker because it supports you in choosing radical self-responsibility and abundant empowerment. And it is from this place that you break free from the chains of the past. If you want to explore how inner child work can support you as a cycle breaker, join me in the next Inner Child Workshop; click here for more details.

3. Family Constellation Therapy- FCT is an approach to healing that confronts intergenerational trauma both mystically and empirically. It is a way of connecting ancestral pain and traumatic events to someone's current difficulties, then restoring peace to the system. Family Constellations have been essential to transforming generational trauma from my family system. Inside Homecoming, my online Inner Child course, students participate in 2 FCT sessions led by my friend and brilliant facilitator, Peggy Vivas.
Click here to join the Homecoming Waitlist!

4. Setting Boundaries- Rewriting unhealthy boundaries into empowering ones is essential to succeed as a cycle breaker. As an outlier, you will be transforming old ways of being, requiring you to develop new boundaries with yourself and others. From experience, I know how challenging this can be when you haven't learned how to set and embody boundaries effectively. If you want to create and embody new boundaries as a cycle breaker, click here to learn more.

5. Cyclical Living- Last but not least, this has been the practice and lifestyle that has supported me in breaking free from societal trauma (patriarchy) and the trauma inherited from the feminine lineage of my family. Plus, it has increased my mind, body, and soul connection to another level. Cyclical living means reclaiming your womb power and wisdom and planning your personal and career life with the support of your inner seasons and menstrual cycle. Click here to start your cyclical living journey!

And a last piece of advice… remember that as a cycle breaker, not everyone will understand your healing journey. People wake up in accordance with their soul path, and it's not your job to get them there. The reality is you don't have the power to do so. Focus on building a life that aligns with your heart and soul because that is the best service you can do for others.

